Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Collin argues his case regarding his bedtime


Collin's first Avocado...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Resourceful Benedick

Now that our time and attention have been diverted to Collin, Benedick is learning how to do some things on his own...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Collin's Dedication

Our pictures didn't turn out good, someone else took some and I am waiting for those, so here is the video for now...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Collin's First Cereal

Collin you are four months old! You have won rice cereal, what do you think?

"What in the world...hmmm..."

"Do I like? Do I not like it? Hmmm..."

"Nope, I do not like it!"

We made it with formula for this first time, he liked it a lot more the next day when we made it with the stuff he is used to, or maybe he liked it better because Daddy was giving it to him...or both.

Candy or Corn...

Collin is now looking forward to his first Halloween after Aunty Roxy introduced him to his first Halloween treat, or at least the bag

Collin's Biggest Fan

...or Collin is its biggest fan...you decide

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Collin's Dedication

Collin is going to be Dedicated at First Christian Church in Durant on September 21st at the 10:45am service. We would love anyone who can make it to come on down the address is 301 N. 3rd Street and then join us at our house afterwards to celebrate.
Click here for a map to First Christian Church.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Collin has become so good about going to sleep as soon as I put him in his crib and he even sleeps through the night...most of the time. The flash from the camera did not wake him up when I took this a minute ago.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

GiGi plays with Collin

GiGi and Autie Roxy came over to visit and played these games with Collin for at least thirty minutes

Night Time Nanny

This was taken at 1:00am...